Get Started!
Explore your research-based idea to create impact!
A customer-oriented mindset is essential when packaging your research-based idea into a product, service or method that can create true societal impact. Whether you choose commercialization or not-for-profit implementation of your solution, this course will provide you with the basic tools needed to develop and communicate your idea in order to attract partners, resources and collaborations.
In four workshop sessions you will develop your idea according to NABC:
Need – what are the customer and user needs?
Approach- what is your unique approach for addressing this need?
Benefit- what are the specific benefits for the stakeholders?
Competition – how are the benefits superior to competing alternatives.
The NABC model serves as a support for defining your idea and thinking through what actually makes the idea something of value to your intended users or customers. It is also an excellent tool to use when preparing a presentation, or a so-called pitch. The model is developed at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI).
The course is organized by KI Innovations AB.