DRIVE InvestorDay 2022

Published 22 March, 2022Events

We are very happy to welcome you to DRIVE InvestorDay 2022

DRIVE InvestorDay 2022 is a unique meeting place for companies in KI Innovation’s incubator and investors to get to know each other and build a relationship for potential collaborations now and in the future.

It is also an opportunity to listen to sharp company pitches and mingle with the founders and / or employees of these companies, ask questions and get to know them and their companies better, but also to meet and get to know investors with different experiences.

You will  meet our pharmaceutical, medical technology, diagnostic and e-health companies that are looking for their first investment and advice on how to present their case to investors.

April 7 at KI Campus Solna, invitation has been sent out separately. If you are interested in participating, please contact