Create Impact from your digital health innovation

Published 23 September, 2020Seminar

Welcome to part II in a threemodule digital seminar series organized by KI Innovations and the eHealth core facility at Karolinska Institutet.  

On Wednesday November 4 at 11.30-13.00, we are hosting the second module in the seminar series Create Impact from your digital health innovation.

We will be talking about – How to make your digital health innovation reach patients and caregivers – different options for implementation

This time, Emma Ekerdal Lovén, Utvecklings- och IT-direktör at Södersjukhuset will talk about implementation of digital solutions in a hospital setting. Also, Björn Nordlund and Henrik Ljungberg from the startup company Medituner will talk about their journey from academia to entrepreneurship.

The seminar series is open to anyone interested in impact creation from digital health projects originating from academic research.

Warm welcome!

/ KI Innovations & eHealth core facility at Karolinska Institutet

More information and registration