Due to Covid -19, KI Innovations organizes the second round of our seminar series Build skills to impact on a digital platform. We welcome all students, PhD students and researchers who are interested to get to know more about impact creation based on academic research or knowledge to tune into our YouTube channel to take part of the modules.
Build skills to impact consists of six modules where we will present different ways to create impact from academic results or knowledge, beyond publications. Such journey can include everything from collaboration with industry, healthcare sector or public sector, to secure and out-license intellectual property or start a company.
The seminar series will hopefully inspire you to think of alternative ways of disseminating your research, introduce you to the support available for students and researchers at Karolinska Institutet and provide you with some useful tools and insights on how to prevent common pitfalls.
You can tune into all six modules or pick the ones most valuable to you. Read more about the modules below.
#1 From research to innovator
In this session KI Innovations Business Coach Patrik Blomquist will give you an insight in how you go from being a researcher to innovator and in most cases this means being a researcher and innovator at the same time.
#2 From researcher to society
In this session KI Innovations Business Coach Anna Forsberg takes you on a journey from research to society.
#3 Understand your stakeholders
In this session KI Innovations Business Coach Mats Ferm will help you understand your different stakeholders and how to approach them and what they need from you and what you need from them.
#4 Develop your idea
In this session KI Innovations Business Coach Åsa Kallas will guide you through the journey to develop your idea and how to create a development plan.
#5 Communicate your innovation
In this session KI Innovations Business Coach Elin Almstedt will help you with how to communicate your idea to different stakeholders.
#6 Protect your innovation
In this session KI Innovations Business Coach Patrik Blomquist will talk about Intelectual Property and how and when you need to protect your idea.
#7 Finance your Start-up
In this session KI Innovations Business Coach Christian Krog-Jensen will guide you through the aspects of financing your Start-up.